Let's call some positive integer classy if its decimal representation contains no more than 33 non-zero digits. For example, numbers 44, 200000200000, 1020310203 are classy and numbers 42314231, 102306102306, 72774200007277420000 are not.
You are given a segment [L;R][L;R]. Count the number of classy integers xx such that L≤x≤RL≤x≤R.
Each testcase contains several segments, for each of them you are required to solve the problem separately.
The first line contains a single integer TT (1≤T≤1041≤T≤104) — the number of segments in a testcase.
Each of the next TT lines contains two integers LiLi and RiRi (1≤Li≤Ri≤10181≤Li≤Ri≤1018).
Print TT lines — the ii-th line should contain the number of classy integers on a segment [Li;Ri][Li;Ri].
4 1 1000 1024 1024 65536 65536 999999 1000001
1000 1 0 2